Monday, September 19, 2011

Update #3

Last week I had a scare. For a couple of weeks before that I had some pelvic discomfort, sharp jabs, low level localized pain. Since I still suffer from sudden urges to urinate, I thought that my problem was bladder related. But then last week I started to have a pinkish discharge, almost the kind I had before the onset of spottings.

I immediately set up an appointment with the oncologist and went to see him a few days later. He examined me VERY thoroughly -- front, back (for a couple of days I was sore during BMs :)) but luckily he concluded that all he found was a mild inflammation at the end of the vagina, in the area that was affected by the radiation. He said that this is not uncommon, it can show up even months after the treatment. He seems to have been right, the symptoms are slowly receding...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Update #2

I am getting busier and busier since I had a good look at all the projects that got postponed due to the illness. Luckily I am recovering very quickly. Sometimes there are days that I hardly even think of what has passed. The elimination processes are more or less back to normal. The most annoying aspect that is still there is the urinary urgency. Even that happens only when I stand up from lying down or sitting for a longer period. I am working on it, though, twisting my legs together and holding it in tightly until the feeling of urgency is gone. At that point I still feel the need to go to the bathroom but I am in control.

I have my first follow-up appointment tomorrow. I will ask whether they think if I still have some remnants of an inflammation. Another issue I must solve is the rash on my arms, souvenir from the CT scan dye. This week-end it was particularly bad. It flared up and my arms right now are covered with hot, red welts again. I MUST see an immunologist about them!