Last night, about four hours after the session, I became slightly nauseous. I did find it a bit odd to have such a side effect right on the first day. Now I think that maybe it was just a coincidence. The reason I think so is because I also developed a rash around my neck area and along my two lower arms. Although the rash felt very much like the one I experienced when I had the bad reaction to the dye after the CT scan, albeit at a much smaller scale, but it was also followed up by a small bout of diarrhea this morning. For that I blamed the milk of magnesia I have to have every night, even though I am a very regular person, going every morning like a clock and sometimes having another BM later in the day. In any case, today I clicked the three things together only in the afternoon, hypothesizing that I may have reacted to something I ate last night. The problem is that I am nauseous again, even though today I was very careful with my food. So we shall see in the days to follow...
The radiation session was much the same, but my arms got tired sooner than yesterday from holding them across my chest. I also would have needed to scratch soooo badly at one point... But I survived!
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